First Comes Love - Week 06 Launch
on May 11th, 2024
Welcome to Week 6 of the First Comes Love Reading Plan! This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here.  Read More
First Comes Love - Day 25
on May 10th, 2024
Highlight The definition of “simple one” in verse 7 is “a youth who lacked judgment,” “a youth lacking of heart,” or “one devoid of common sense or understanding.” No one wants to be described that way. But the narrator of this proverb describes anyone who falls into the temptation of adultery as a “simple one” - easily taken in. Only thinking of themselves and the current pleasure, not thinking about the fact that “it will cost him his life” (v. 23).  Read More
First Comes Love - Day 24
on May 9th, 2024
Highlight Being confronted with the truth often hurts. It causes anger, bitterness, denial, and sometimes resentment towards the person who called your bluff. David could have gone through all of those emotions when Nathan confronted him about the sins he had committed. Yet, he knew he was guilty and sincerely regretful. David wrote Psalm 51 as an expression of his vulnerability and deepest sincerity of his own guilt and remorse, but also of God’s forgiveness, love and kindness.  Read More
First Comes Love - Day 23
on May 8th, 2024
Highlight David and Bathsheba. A story that begins to send David’s life into a different direction. Up to this point, David has followed God’s laws and seems to live a life of integrity before God. Yet, one decision begins to spiral and leads him deeper and deeper into sin.  Read More
First Comes Love - Day 22
on May 7th, 2024
ighlight Jesus laid out the plan of church discipline, which we see Paul reiterating here in his letter. Discipline can get mixed reviews but it must be addressed. Not in a harsh or belittling way, but in a careful, straightforward and loving manner.  Read More
First Comes Love - Day 21
on May 6th, 2024
Highlight Paul makes it clear that the situation of “a man sleeping with his father’s wife” is a sin and even something pagans do not do (v. 1). Yet, that was not Paul’s intention behind this portion of the letter. His larger intention was to call out and remind the church that they are called to a higher standard in Christ. While he makes it clear we are not to judge those who are outside the church (v. 12). He grew angry at the Corinthians for not casting out “the old yeast” and not “expelling the wicked person from amongst you (v. 7-8)”. Christ came as the Passover Lamb for us to be cleaned and walk in His truth (v. 8). Not for us to take grace for granted.  Read More