Responding To Temptation

Tuesday, February 11

Reading:  Matthew 5:27-30

Responding To Temptation

Today’s passage on the surface level is focussed on adultery.  That in itself is enough for many of us to sit with for a long time as we work through our sexuality and lust with the Holy Spirit’s guidance.  But, today’s passage doesn’t just stop there.  It can also apply to any area of temptation in our life.  I would encourage you to keep in mind whatever temptations the Lord brings to you today as you read, pray, and journal.

A Few Questions

Before You Read:
Take a few deep breaths to slow your heart and mind.  Pray, inviting God into your thinking over these next few moments. Honestly reflect, and journal on the following questions:
  • What is the most common way(s) that you are tempted?
  • In what circumstances am I most tempted? (Being around certain people, places, situations, emotional triggers, etc.)

After Reading:
It is obvious by Jesus’ hyperbolic teaching that He takes our response to temptations seriously.  All of us are tempted...including Jesus himself (Matthew 4:1-11, Hebrews 4:15, 1 Corinthians 10:13).  I don’t believe Jesus expected everyone to literally gouge out their eyes or cut off our hands at the slightest temptation.  But, this teaching does show us that Jesus takes our response to temptation seriously.
  • Until today, what has been your response when you are tempted?  How might that need to change in light of knowing how serious resisting temptation is to Jesus?
  • In what ways are you most tempted to justify or minimize the temptation(s) in your life?
  • What is the hardest part of a temptation?
  • How can you better prepare yourself to resist temptation in the future?
  • What support system can you rely on when facing difficult temptations?


There are so many ways that we can be tempted.  Below are some resources that might help you process through these specific topics with a family member or friend.  There is also an option to help you create some accountability and guardrails.

Accountability .pdf
Pornography - Lust.pdf

Please also feel free to connect with us at 912-925-9657 if you need to talk and pray with a staff member at the church about resisting your specific temptation(s).