The Upside Down Kingdom

Monday, February 10

Reading: Matthew 5:27-37

Living Counter Culturally: What Jesus teaches about adultery, divorce, and commitments

This week’s passages may tempt some of us to dismiss them…either because we don’t want to dig out the motivations underneath, or because on the surface they don’t feel like they apply.  But, we will be better people (not to mention better followers of Jesus) if we do some digging to get to the heart issues that are under the surface of these circumstances.  Jesus has already been challenging us with a whole new way of thinking about life over these last few weeks.  Are you ready to continue that journey this week?

Questions To Consider:

Before Reading: 
Take a few deep breaths to slow your heart and mind.  Pray, inviting God into your thinking over these next few moments. Honestly reflect, and journal on the following questions:
  • How much do you think your life and motivations align with what God wants for you?
  • Are you able to identify the areas you feel most weak?  Are you mostly tempted physically, emotionally, internally, or externally?

After Reading:
  • Which section do you think will be the most challenging for you this week?  Ask the Holy Spirit to begin preparing your heart for whatever He might want to teach you this week about that topic.