Dark Horses: Overlooked Heroes - Day 05
on June 28th, 2024
Highlight We end our story of Esther with perhaps more questions than answers and we’re left to wrestle with the moral ambiguity of Esther and Mordecai’s actions in response to their new found power. The very violence that they feared they exact on their own enemies. And of course throughout the story we see both Mordecai and Esther engage in morally questionable behavior.  Read More
Dark Horses: Overlooked Heroes - Day 04
on June 27th, 2024
Highlight The faith of Mordecai and Esther has changed the fate of an entire nation in captivity. The Jews are given the freedom to be autonomous, not just protected by the King and his empire, but free to defend themselves against evil. Their dignity is restored. Their identity is so changed that where there was grief and mourning there is now rejoicing and victory. Sound familiar?  Read More
Dark Horses: Overlooked Heroes - Day 03
on June 26th, 2024
Highlight And so it begins. The tides are starting to turn in a dramatic way. Who could have seen this coming, certainly not Haman! God is on the move on Esther and Mordecai’s behalf. He responds to the prayers and fasting and saves both their lives in seemingly miraculous ways by working in the heart of King Xerxes.  Read More
Dark Horses: Overlooked Heroes - Day 02
on June 25th, 2024
Read Esther 3 & 4 Highlight In contrast to Esther and Mordecai and their lack of position or power, we are introduced to Haman who has been given almost absolute power by King Xerxes. We also learn something vitally important about Mordecai and Esther. Although they have experienced extreme trauma, loss and grief, they are still faithfully serving God  Read More
Dark Horses: Overlooked Heroes - Day 01
on June 24th, 2024
Read Esther 1 & 2 Highlight Esther is a great place to begin our study of dark horses, because she is certainly an unlikely heroine.  Read More
Dark Horses: Overlooked Heroes - Week 01 Launch
on June 22nd, 2024
Welcome to Week One of the Dark Horses: Overlooked Heroes Reading Plan This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name.  Read More