Experiencing God - Day 01
on February 5th, 2024
Highlight Justification and sanctification. Large words with impactful theological meaning. Justification is “the act by which God moves a willing person from the state of sin (injustice) to the state of grace (justice).” When someone first comes to know God and makes the first declaration of faith and is forgiven of all sins. Sanctification is “the state or process of being set apart.” This is the daily asking for sins to be forgiven and the daily request for the Holy Spirit to transform you to be more like Jesus.  Read More
Experiencing God - Week 01 Launch
on February 3rd, 2024
Welcome to Week 1 of the Experiencing God Reading Plan. This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here. During this series, it is our hope that you will begin to experience the ways in which God is moving in your life and in the lives of those around you. Because the truth is, God is always at work in every detail. It is in our day to day lives that we forget to take the time to stop, reflect, and recognize the blessings, promises, and peace that God is providing for us.   Read More
Cost of Living - Day 20
on February 2nd, 2024
Highlight Do you remember the game where you try to guess the picture or logo based on a really zoomed in pixel shot? All that you see is red and white pixels, then zoom out a bit more and it is just more red and white pixels. Finally the whole logo is revealed and it's the Chick-fil-A logo. You think to yourself “I should have known.” But you would have never guessed that from the first few pixels of red and white. It could have been anything. You need to step back and see the whole thing for it to make sense.  Read More
Cost of Living - Day 19
on February 1st, 2024
Highlight Exodus 24 is a foreshadowing of Jesus’ last days in reverse. In Exodus, the covenant between God and Israel begins with a sacrifice and ends with a meal. Where Jesus’ new covenant begins with a meal and ends in sacrifice.  Read More
Cost of Living - Day 18
on January 31st, 2024
Highlight The Ten Commandments are probably the most well known of the over six hundred laws that God gives Moses. When Jesus comes, He simplifies the law by saying “'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is similar: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37-40).  Read More
Cost of Living - Day 17
on January 30th, 2024
Highlight Think back to your first memory of attending church. Is it a good memory? Bad memory? A little blurry. Or maybe crystal clear, you remember every detail.  Read More