Experiencing God - Day 06
on February 12th, 2024
Highlight Moses' use of definitive language was not prophetic, as much as, he was explaining the outcome of what would happen if the nation did not keep their commitment. The chapters before were the blessings and curses God would bring about if the nation of Israel obeyed His commands, or if they turned from Him. Therefore, this passage is a continuous explanation of what could come to pass.   Read More
Experiencing God - Week 02 Launch
on February 10th, 2024
Welcome Welcome to Week 2 of the Experiencing God Reading Plan. This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here. During this series, it is our hope that you will begin to experience the ways in which God is moving in your life and in the lives of those around you. Because the truth is, God is always at work in every detail. It is in our day to day lives that we forget to take the time to stop, reflect, and recognize the blessings, promises, and peace that God is providing for us.  Read More
Experiencing God - Day 05
on February 9th, 2024
Highlight The passages read this week all come from the last day of Jesus’ life. They began with Jesus and his disciples at the table for the Passover meal and Jesus speaking on all that they can expect to happen in the next few hours and days. But a lot of it did not make sense to the disciples at that time. It would not be until after the resurrection that most of his teaching makes sense.  Read More
Experiencing God - Day 04
on February 8th, 2024
Highlight John is using the Greek word “kosmos” in this passage. It translates to “world” but means “the human system that opposes God’s purpose.” The authors of the Synoptic Gospels only use this word kosmos fifteen times between all three gospels. Yet, John uses it almost eighty times in his gospel. Why? Because he wants to make the contrasting point between Jesus and the world - those who oppose Jesus.  Read More
Experiencing God - Day 03
on February 7th, 2024
Highlight It was customary in Jesus’ day for the disciple to choose the rabbi, or teacher, whom he wanted to study under. It was their choice to decide who they were going to serve and learn from. Yet, Jesus chose each of His disciples by name. He called them away from the jobs they were pursuing in order to teach, train, and love them well. Jesus then commanded them to do the same with one another and those they encounter along the way.  Read More
Experiencing God - Day 02
on February 6th, 2024
Highlight Jesus says something in John 14:11-12 that always surprises me. He says “Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe in the evidence of the works themselves. Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”   Read More