Easter Week 02 - Launch
on March 30th, 2024
WELCOME Welcome to Easter with Compassion. This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here.  Read More
Easter - Day 05
on March 29th, 2024
Highlight Jesus and his disciples would have been participating in the Festival of Unleavened Bread and Passover for their whole lives. The ritual, steps and order of events would be well worn and familiar to them. In fact, at this time in Jesus’ ministry, they would have at least celebrated together once if not twice. Therefore, they knew what to expect - or they thought they did, because all of a sudden Jesus goes off script.  Read More
Easter - Day 04
on March 28th, 2024
Highlight Whether you have been around church for a long time or you just started coming, you have likely heard from the stage or read in the Bible words or concepts that seem difficult to grasp.   Read More
Easter - Day 03
on March 27th, 2024
Highlight In this brief chapter, I can relate to Moses in verse 8 “Then Moses, hot with anger, left Pharoah.” After relaying God’s message of the last plague - that He will go through the land and kill every firstborn son in Egypt. Moses is angry. Not that the Lord will do this, but that after all of these signs and wonders, Pharaoh still believes he is more powerful than God. Pharaoh is about to be responsible for the death of hundreds of innocent lives because of his own sinfulness and pride. Moses does not even wait for Pharaoh to answer, in his rage - he leaves.  Read More
Easter - Day 02
on March 26th, 2024
Highlight Exodus 7 is the first interaction Moses and Aaron have with Pharoah and where all of the plagues begin. In ancient Egyptian culture, gods were often seen as people with authority. The pharaoh was often referred to as a god, therefore the opening verse where God says “I have made you like god to pharaoh” it is referring to the fact that Pharoah sees Moses as another authority figure. But God is going to show Pharoah there is only one true God in the land.  Read More
Easter - Day 01
on March 25th, 2024
Highlight Moses encounters God in a unique experience. Not many of us can say God spoke to us from a burning bush. Nor can many of us say God called us to free an entire nation from the stronghold of Pharaoh. While this seems unimaginable to us - from being spoken to from a burning bush to delivering a nation out of captivity - we are not alone in thinking this way. Moses had questions.   Read More