The Upside Down Kingdom

Tuesday, January 07

What's Ahead:

Over the next few months, we're going to get uncomfortably real with Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in Matthew. This isn't just a series about good advice or spiritual tips—this is about the Kingdom of God, a radical new way of living that flips everything we know upside down. We’re going to dig deep into what it means to live fully immersed in God's Kingdom, to set our sights on the things above, and to pull them down into the here and now. How can we live a life that’s marked by the radical love, humility, and power of God’s Kingdom?

But before we dive in, we’ve got to start by taking a hard look at where we are right now. What does this Kingdom look like for us today, in our real, everyday lives? Over the next few days, don’t just read these words—let them confront you. Spend time with Jesus. Ask the tough questions. Let His powerful sermon on the "good life" shake up your perspective and challenge how you’re living.

Sit With These Questions:

  • How does the Kingdom of God challenge everything the world tells you about power, success, and fulfillment?

  • What does it actually look like when the Kingdom of God shows up in your life—and in the world around you?

  • What would happen if you really believed that the Kingdom of God is not a distant dream but a present calling?

  • What kind of person do you need to become to notice the Kingdom, and live in it, day in and day out?

  • If Jesus were living in your shoes today, how would He challenge your everyday decisions, actions, and priorities?

  • What are you holding onto that the Kingdom of God is calling you to let go of?
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