Posts with the category “thanksgiving-week-psalms”

Thanksgiving Week - Psalms - Day 05
by Compassion Creative on December 1st, 2023
Highlight Psalm 106 is a review of Israel’s history from the Exodus into the wilderness, to Mt. Sinai, to the borders of Canaan and to their eventual entry into the Promised Land. It is a sad story of sin, not listening to God and forgetfulness…a lack of obedience and self-indulgence. It is about dissatisfaction with God’s provisions, idolatry, willful disobedience, disloyalty, and compromise.  Read More
Thanksgiving Week - Psalms - Day 04
by Compassion Creative on November 30th, 2023
Highlight The title suggests that the psalm was used when making a thanksgiving offering (a type of peace offering described in Lev. 3). The worshipers would make an animal sacrifice with unleavened bread and then share the food in a communal meal. They would sing this psalm perhaps as part of entering the courtyards around the temple or as a prelude to a time of declaring what the Lord has done for them. The people who are filled with thanksgiving towards God, would shout these lines with joy, inviting others to come and hear about God’s presence and provision.  Read More
Thanksgiving Week - Psalms - Day 03
by Compassion Creative on November 29th, 2023
Highlight Charles Spurgeon noted several ways that we harden our hearts. He said that “we can harden them by resolving not to feel in regard to spiritual things. We can harden them through delayed obedience…an obedience that is convenient. We harden them when we believe doubts and criticism. He said our hearts can be hardened by the company we keep. And, we can harden them by participating in sin that we know is wrong.” The warning of a hard heart is also found 3 different times in the book of Hebrews (3:7, 3:15, 4:7) with an urgency for all of us to listen to God, and an asking for His softening of our hearts, so we can worship. It’s not something we should put off until tomorrow, but is for today - every day.  Read More
Thanksgiving Week - Psalms - Day 02
by Compassion Creative on November 28th, 2023
Highlight This is the only Psalm to specifically be identified as “for the Sabbath Day.” What does that mean? Well…we don’t often look at it as a privilege to worship…to offer our worship to God. How many times have we entered into a service or started our day, carrying the weight of something that’s really hard to put down? How often do we stop and focus solely on who God is and what He has done for us?   Read More
Thanksgiving Week - Psalms - Day 01
by Compassion Creative on November 27th, 2023
Highlight This Psalm was written by David after he was forced to flee his homeland because of Saul’s anger against him. Now, as a fugitive from Saul, David goes to the Philistine city of Gath. But he is soon found out and brought before King Achish. Those events are recorded in 1 Samuel 21:10-22:1. He pretends to be insane so that Achish will think he is just foolish and not a danger to the Philistines. It had the effect he wanted…Achish dismissed David.  Read More
Thanksgiving Week - Psalms - Launch
by Compassion Creative on November 25th, 2023
Welcome Welcome to Thanksgiving Week. This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s Thanksgiving Week standalone message, which you can find information about right here. This week our reading will focus on finding the hope that God’s presence can bring to our lives and the thanksgiving that we can live with each day as a response to His presence. We will see through the Wisdom of the Psalms how to live in thanksgiving.  Read More