Thanksgiving Week - Psalms - Day 04

Day 04 - Thursday, November 30
Psalm 100

The title suggests that the psalm was used when making a thanksgiving offering (a type of peace offering described in Lev. 3). The worshipers would make an animal sacrifice with unleavened bread and then share the food in a communal meal. They would sing this psalm perhaps as part of entering the courtyards around the temple or as a prelude to a time of declaring what the Lord has done for them. The people who are filled with thanksgiving towards God, would shout these lines with joy, inviting others to come and hear about God’s presence and provision.

They…you…are invited in, even if our own stories are not full of thanks at the moment. For the call to praise is primarily motivated by God’s works and character. It is not dependent on our mood. This is not to say that our emotional framework has no bearing on our worship.  The many kinds of psalms show that they are fitted to different kinds of circumstances. But consider also Nehemiah’s words, “The joy of the LORD is your strength” (Neh. 8:10). The people mourned when they heard the words of the Lord read by Ezra. But Nehemiah and the Levites told them to celebrate because it was a holy day to the Lord. The Lord is our source of joy, and we should take strength from that.

Reflection & Prayer
For this reading plan we will be using a tool to guide our study of Scripture that’s called the S.O.A.P. Method.  It stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer.  We recommend you use a journal with this method and write out your thoughts on each of these areas for each day of reading.  It doesn’t have to be long-winded and you don’t need a fancy journal.  But for anyone that has not journaled before, the benefit is that it often helps us focus and avoid distractions during prayer and Bible study.

S.O.A.P. Method

Scripture - Pick a verse or two that stood out to you and write it in your journal.  Be looking for a “Holy Spirit Highlight.”  What did you read and think “I needed to hear that” or felt like it was written just for you?

Observation - Now write some observations about the verse(s) or passage. What is this passage or verse saying? About God? About people? How is Jesus revealed in these verses?

Application - Now write a few sentences on how this passage applies to your life. Is there truth about God that you are to believe? A promise to receive? Is the Holy Spirit convicting you of something you need to do or stop doing in light of God’s truth?

Prayer - Now write out a prayer to God in response to this Scripture. This is a way to turn God’s Word to you back to Him. Be honest and express your heart to Him. God always listens and He delights in your prayers. (Psalm 34:15; Proverbs 15:8)