Good Question | What does it mean to cherish? | Episode 38
Good Question is a podcast for the curious by Compassion Christian Church.
Join us with love and curiosity in your heart as we discuss what it means to cherish.. We likely know all too well how busy this season is and how much we end up chasing a dream or ideal that might not be realistic, but what would it look like to be able to enjoy what God has given you? It’s not easy, but worth pursuing as Blair Bauman will discuss alongside Donna Rash, Maggie Adkinson and Tiffany Ann Johns. Together they share helpful reminders of how important your presence is and fighting for what really matters this season. Our prayer is that this conversation guides you without guilt or worry to rejoice and cherish all that He has entrusted to you at this stage of your life.
Mentioned in this episode:
Scripture References: Luke 10 | Romans 8:28 | Philippians 4:4-10
As we mentioned at the end of this episode, the Good Question Podcast will be changing in 2025. We hope you will pray with us that God would find an intentional way to use this space and discussion for His glory.
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