Be. Become. Do. - Day 22
on October 10th, 2023
Highlight Jesus’ description of the Final Judgment is a text that has been debated for centuries. The biggest area of debate is regarding the identity of who Jesus refers to as “my brothers” and “the least of these.” Some interpret Jesus to be referring to the poor and needy and downtrodden, which seems to fit the fact that they are clearly in dire need. However, the most likely identity is connected to Jesus’ first term - “my brothers.” It’s likely that Jesus is referring to his followers and the main idea of the teaching is Jesus saying that our treatment of his followers is no different than our treatment of him.   Read More
Be. Become. Do. - Day 21
on October 9th, 2023
Highlight Let’s just say it directly - Matthew 24 is confusing. Many of the passages in Scripture that describe the parousia (The Second Coming of Jesus) are confusing because they are filled with imagery and metaphors. We can find some comfort in the fact that the disciples themselves were also confused, so the verse we should focus on in Matthew 24 is the “bottom line” that Jesus gives them.  Read More
Be. Become. Do. - Week 05 Launch
on October 7th, 2023
Welcome Welcome to Week 5 of the 2023 Be. Become. Do. Reading Plan This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name. This is a series all about how we are each invited to embrace a life where we will be with Jesus, become like Jesus and then live our lives doing what Jesus would do. In order to better apprentice under Jesus, we are going to spend our reading plan following his ministry by reading an eyewitness account written by one of his disciples: Matthew.  Read More
Be. Become. Do - Day 20
on October 6th, 2023
Highlight Chiastic or chiasm is a literary technique that presents a concept and then repeats it back in reverse order. The structure puts the emphasis on whatever is placed at the middle of the structure. The Bible is full of chiastic patterns and many famous quotes follow this structure.  Read More
Be. Become. Do. - Day 19
on October 5th, 2023
Highlight All throughout the Gospels one can see the rise of frustration the Pharisees and religious leaders have towards Jesus. With each parable, miraculous healing, and tricky question, the dislike toward Jesus builds. Until finally he is teaching in the temple and they are asking question after question, and his answers continue to frustrate and even silence them.  Read More
Be. Become. Do. - Day 18
on October 4th, 2023
Highlight The last parable in Matthew 21 is a very condensed retelling of the Old Testament. Let's set the stage: God = landowner, nation of Israel = vineyard, Jewish leadership = tenants, Old Testament prophets = servants, and Jesus = the son. With this in mind, Jesus is pointing out the cycle of disobedience that appears throughout the Old Testament. The tenants are to take care of the vineyard. But when the landowner sends servants to check in and reap the fruit, the tenants believe they are in charge and know more. They mistreat the servants and even kill the son. The Jewish leadership had not steered the people of Israel well and God was fully aware. Therefore, Jesus claims that the kingdom will be taken away from them, and given to those who will produce fruit.   Read More