Faith Promise - What's Next - Day 02
on November 7th, 2023
Highlight The story of Jesus and the ‘demoniac’ is one story in a series of stories told by Luke that emphasize the power of Jesus. In succession, he wields power over nature, the spiritual realm, sickness, and even death. The power that Jesus shows over the spiritual realm in this story would have been every bit as shocking as any of the other incidents in this series. The disciples would not have been surprised that a holy man would have power over evil. Exorcisms were common occurrences in first century Israel. However, Jesus did not perform exorcisms like other holy men of the first century. He didn’t use dramatic rituals or chant special phrases or even do the most important aspect of an exorcism - invoke a higher power. Jesus’ power over evil is almost casual, as shown in this interaction with many demons. The term “Legion” is a name that references a number, specifically the thousands of soldiers in a Roman military unit by the same name. Jesus’ power didn’t just defeat a single demon, but many, and it didn’t seem to cause Jesus much difficulty in the slightest.   Read More
Faith Promise - What's Next - Day 01
on November 6th, 2023
Highlight There was a custom in the first century that allowed needy people to visit the banquets of the rich in order to receive leftovers. This is surely the custom that this woman used to be able to approach Jesus. The story of this woman is a perfect place for us to start. Her sin is unknown, though the reaction of both the Pharisee and Jesus (‘her sins, which are many…’ v.47) makes it clear that her sin is extreme. Yet the first contrast of the story is the contrast between the Pharisee and Jesus: the Pharisee condemns her, but Jesus forgives her. The second contrast is the contrast between the Pharisee and the woman. Both interact with Jesus, but the woman’s correct perception of her own need for God’s grace and mercy leads to her treating Jesus the way he deserves to be treated: with love. Jesus’ summary is perfect: ‘He who is forgiven little, loves little.’ (v.47) Of course, the true point is that we all need much forgiveness, the only difference is our realization of it! This story lays out the beautiful path of becoming a follower of Jesus: realize the depth of your sins -> trust Jesus’ love and power to forgive -> respond to Jesus doing what only He can do by loving him and others. Note that nowhere does the behavior of the woman earn anything. It is grace from start to finish, and her actions are in response to that grace rather than a desire to earn something that Jesus has decided to freely give.   Read More
Faith Promise - What's Next - Week 01 Launch
on November 4th, 2023
Welcome Welcome to Week 1 of the 2023 Faith Promise - What's Next Reading Plan! This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here. This is a series focused on how our church responds to the commission that Jesus gave all of his followers to reach people far from Him. This commission is called the Great Commission and is found in Matthew 28:18-20, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” This reading plan will be designed to help us align our hearts with God’s heart for the lost. We will spend the next few weeks reading stories of people whose lives were changed by the love of God.   Read More
Praying Through Change - Day 15
on November 3rd, 2023
Highlight As mentioned yesterday, Paul has a specific writing style. In his letter to the church in Colossae, he opens with thanksgiving and prayer. Yet, we find out that he does not know those in this church; “we have heard of your faith” (v. 4) and “you learned it from Epaphras” (v. 7). Therefore, this letter is more formal, Paul takes the time to explain more in order for the reader to understand and for there to be nothing left unsaid.  Read More
Praying Through Change - Day 14
on November 2nd, 2023
Highlight Think about the way you write an email or a letter, if you still write those. There is often a certain way you write to people you know versus people you do not know. Your style is the same in both, but your language might be a little different. If you are writing to someone you know, you are more relaxed, a bit brief, or even more open to sharing what is going on. Yet, to someone you do not know, you might be more formal, include more of an introduction, or over explain to make sure you said everything.   Read More
Praying Through Change - Day 13
on November 1st, 2023
Highlight Have you ever experienced something so great that you made sure everyone you knew experienced the same thing? Maybe it was a band you found and you told everyone to listen to them. Or maybe a restaurant you tried and recommended for the next month to everyone. Whatever it was, it felt life changing. You had such passion for it, that you had to make sure that everyone knew about your experience.  Read More