Cost of Living - Day 11
on January 22nd, 2024
Highlight This parable is widely considered to be Jesus’ most difficult parable because it appears to commend sinful and selfish behavior. To understand what’s going on, the key is to realize that Jesus is using a common style of teaching at the time. The technique was called ‘from lesser to the greater.’ The basic concept is to say - “if someone that is ill equipped to do something can figure it out, then how much more should someone who has the right tools?”  Read More
Cost of Living - Week 03 Launch
on January 20th, 2024
Welcome Welcome to Week 3 of the Cost of Living Reading Plan. This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here. In the summer of 2023, a national survey asked people to list their top sources of stress and 75% of people listed money as their #1. Money never seems to be far from our minds or absent from the conversations we have with our spouses and friends.  Read More
Cost of Living - Day 10
on January 19th, 2024
Highlight The parable of The Lost Son is a well known parable. It takes a look at a wealthy father and his sons. The younger son asks for his inheritance, the father honors the request, and the son goes off and “squanders his wealth on wild living” (v. 13). When the younger son “comes to his senses” (v. 17), he goes to his father to beg for forgiveness. Yet, before he can say a word, his father welcomes him with generous forgiveness, love and compassion.  Read More
Cost of Living - Day 09
on January 18th, 2024
Highlight A silver coin or silver drachma, would have been roughly a day's wage. If this was part of her dowry price of her marriage, she would have worn the coins in her headdress and noticed instantly when it had gone missing. Therefore she begins the tedious search of finding what is missing. She searches for what she has been entrusted to keep safe. Once the coin is found, she rejoices and invites others to rejoice with her.  Read More
Cost of Living - Day 08
on January 17th, 2024
Highlight When reading this passage there are verses that feel harsh. Verse 33 in particular says “those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.” Talk about a gut punch. That feels difficult, especially when you couple that with verse 26 about hating your family and self. This is when greek translation helps clear some misconceptions. It does not mean that Jesus softened His request of a disciple, but it does mean the context changes slightly.  Read More
Cost of Living - Day 07
on January 16th, 2024
Highlight In Biblical days it was customary for there to be multiple invitations to a banquet. The first invitation was often to announce that it was happening in the near future, and the second to announce the banquet was prepared and ready for guests to arrive. In today’s culture it is a bit like a calendar invite to a meeting, and then being alerted 30 minutes before said meeting. Except in the Biblical times, it was often servants going out to make these personal invitations.  Read More