Experiencing God - Day 11
on February 19th, 2024
Highlight The end of this chapter tells the story of Jesus’ encounter with a royal official. Scholars point out that it’s possible that this man was a Gentile (someone who wasn’t Jewish) in service at King Herod’s court. If that’s the case, then Jesus has progressed in the last two chapters from a Jew (Nicodemus), to a Samaritan, to now a Gentile. This follows the same progression the Gospel is meant to follow in the words of Jesus from Acts 1:8. The interaction is very simple, straightforward, and insistent: Sir, come, or my child will die; Go, your son will live; He believed and left.  Read More
Experiencing God - Week 03 Launch
on February 17th, 2024
Welcome to Week 3 of the Experiencing God Reading Plan. This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here. During this series, it is our hope that you will begin to experience the ways in which God is moving in your life and in the lives of those around you. Because the truth is, God is always at work in every detail. It is in our day to day lives that we forget to take the time to stop, reflect, and recognize the blessings, promises, and peace that God is providing for us.  Read More
Experiencing God - Day 10
on February 16th, 2024
Highlight If you have been around the church for a while, it is likely you have heard about the letter to Laodicea. It is often used in relation to calling a present day christian lukewarm, because they might say they are a christian, but their actions do not show any evidence. This reference comes straight from Revelation, “you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth” (v. 16). The people in the Laodicea church had no zeal or passion for anything. It seems they had what they needed, wealth (v. 17). Between having wealth and claiming to follow Jesus, the people thought they were good to go. But that is not the reality. There was more required of them. A true conversion to Christ. A passion for Him. A life altering experience that moves them into action.  Read More
Experiencing God - Day 09
on February 15th, 2024
Highlight Some scholars have differing opinions on whether chapter 5 is a recap of chapters 1-4. Or if it begins Paul’s next conversation that goes until chapter 8. There are cases for both sides and it could go either way of whether Paul was speaking more about justification or sanctification. Yet, it is important to remember that Roman’s was not originally written in chapters and verses. It was all one long letter.  Read More
Experiencing God - Day 08
on February 14th, 2024
Highlight There are two phrases that regularly pop up in John’s Gospel account of Jesus’ life. The first and most often used is “very, truly I tell you,” other translations say “I tell you the truth” or “truly, truly.” This phrase is an indicator that Jesus is about to say something that often offends or surprises his audience. Here in chapter 6, Jesus says it four times. And each time it is not received well by the people. Yet, Jesus continues to use this phrase, because He is the truth and part of His mission was to share the truth with all people.  Read More
Experiencing God - Day 07
on February 13th, 2024
Type your new text here....Highlight Luke is strategically highlighting a theme in this chapter that would have gone against all social norms in the ancient world. It is the fact that Jesus came for all people. At a first read, it might not be obvious. Yet, as scholars have unpacked the gospel of Luke, they have noticed the theme runs through both of Luke’s letters (Luke and Acts)  Read More