First Comes Love - Day 30
on May 17th, 2024
Highlight If yesterday’s chapter 4 was the opening statement of judgment - today’s chapter 11 is the moment of hope and unconditional love. God has been revisiting Israel's history and calling out their sin for what it is. But here in chapter 11 we find Him personally stepping into the story of grieving over His children and their waywardness. God proclaims His divine grace and covenant love over His people. In the midst of judgment and accountability, the loving parent - God the Father - provides hope and a salvation plan.  Read More
First Comes Love - Day 29
on May 16th, 2024
Highlight Chapter 4 is Hosea’s prophetic message from God to Israel. It is a full judgment speech of the way God’s people have broken their covenant. The three major ways He brings to light are their lack of faithfulness, lack of kindness, and lack of knowledge in God. They have not been faithful to God, worshiping other gods and making idols. Yet, He has been faithful to them. There is a lack of truth-telling and truth-doing in all the land.. Kindness cannot be found among the people. It is “every man for himself” which is not the way God portrays His steadfast love. Then there is a deep lack of any knowledge of God. The Israelites do not have a personal relationship with God, they do not care to know Him. In the absence of not knowing Him, they have been led astray by the other nations around them. This message from God seems depressing and hopeless. Thankfully it is only a piece of a longer message.   Read More
First Comes Love - Day 28
on May 15th, 2024
Highlight Love is an action. Love is costly. Verse 1 God commands Hosea to “go, show love to your wife” and immediately he “bought her for…” (v. 2). It is not meant in a demeaning way, it is a literal action of his wife caught up in adultery and prostitution for him to have to “buy her out.” But he does, not just because God commanded, but because God had transformed his understanding of forgiveness and love. Hosea understood that love must go above and beyond for the other person, and that boundaries are needed. While Hosea purchases and loves his wife, he also restores their marriage by setting boundaries; “You are to live with me many days; you must not be a prostitute or be intimate with any man, and I will behave the same way toward you (v. 3).” Both love and boundaries are foundational for relationships.  Read More
First Comes Love - Day 27
on May 14th, 2024
Highlight Salvation and restoration is coming. Both for Gomer from Hosea and the Israelites from God. God declares five of His own characteristics that He promises to lavish on His people. They are righteousness, justice, love, compassion and faithfulness. Only God can fulfill these attributes. He is the only one who can bring salvation to His people through righteousness, justice, love, compassion and faithfulness. Yet, He calls us to live out these attributes too. Especially if we have accepted His gift of salvation, not because we are attempting to earn His gift. But because of His great love for us, why would we not share with others the righteousness, justice, love, compassion, and faithfulness He has shown us? What better way to bring others into the loving fold of God’s family but displaying the same attributes He bestows onto us.  Read More
First Comes Love - Day 26
on May 13th, 2024
Highlight It is important to know the style in which an author wrote the original book or letter. Often it is not the simple autobiography or history or nonfiction, we might think of and read today. In fact, when reading the Bible it is even more important to consider the style and audience. The Bible consists of many different literature styles, and many different styles in one book. For example, Hosea could come across as an allegory or metaphor. But in fact, it is the actual experience of Hosea and the prophetic message God shares with him. While pieces of Hosea’s story have a deeper meaning and symbolism interwoven. The overall story is fully Hosea’s experience with God, his wife, children and the people of Israel. It is not likely anyone would make up the experiences Hosea encountered.  Read More
First Comes Love - Week 06 Launch
on May 11th, 2024
Welcome to Week 6 of the First Comes Love Reading Plan! This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here.  Read More