Dark Horses: Overlooked Heroes - Day 11
on July 8th, 2024
Highlight The book of Daniel begins with the story of four young men—Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah—who are taken captive from Judah to Babylon. We know from the account that these four were chosen for specific reasons.   Read More
Dark Horses: Overlooked Heroes - Week 03 Launch
on July 6th, 2024
A unique, and perhaps unexpected theme of the historical accounts compiled in the Bible is what appears to be God’s particular affinity for the underdog.  Read More
Dark Horses: Overlooked Heroes Day 10
on July 5th, 2024
Highlight The people gather to hear the Word of God, and as it is read and explained, they are moved to tears and repentance. The Israelites, removed by generations from the law given by God to their ancestors, are suddenly struck by its meaning afresh. That feels familiar. How often do we read Scripture as if it was written for someone else?  Read More
Dark Horses: Overlooked Heroes - Day 09
on July 4th, 2024
Highlight Despite the schemes of external enemies who attempt to intimidate and distract Nehamiah from his work, he remains focused and completes the wall in fifty-two days. It’s important to note that just because Nehemiah is working in the name of the Lord, he is not protected from the pressures and persecution of the broken world around him.  Read More
Dark Horses: Overlooked Heroes - Day 08
on July 3rd, 2024
Highlight Despite his good intentions, Nehemiah faced significant external opposition from surrounding enemies who sought to intimidate and stop the work of rebuilding the walls. Even still, he remained steadfast and encouraged the people to trust in God. In addition to the outside pressure and ridicule, Nehemiah has internal issues as well, addressing injustices within the community and ensuring that the poor were not exploited  Read More
Dark Horses: Overlooked Heroes - Day 07
on July 2nd, 2024
Highlight Nehemiah approaches the king with a request to go to Jerusalem to rebuild its walls. Approaching the king was risky, he could have faced severe consequences if the king had not been favorable, even death for his audacity. Nehemiah admits his fear, but his compassion for his people compels him to step out in faith.  Read More