Posts with the category “praying-through-change”

Praying Through Change - Day 15
by Compassion Creative on November 3rd, 2023
Highlight As mentioned yesterday, Paul has a specific writing style. In his letter to the church in Colossae, he opens with thanksgiving and prayer. Yet, we find out that he does not know those in this church; “we have heard of your faith” (v. 4) and “you learned it from Epaphras” (v. 7). Therefore, this letter is more formal, Paul takes the time to explain more in order for the reader to understand and for there to be nothing left unsaid.  Read More
Praying Through Change - Day 14
by Compassion Creative on November 2nd, 2023
Highlight Think about the way you write an email or a letter, if you still write those. There is often a certain way you write to people you know versus people you do not know. Your style is the same in both, but your language might be a little different. If you are writing to someone you know, you are more relaxed, a bit brief, or even more open to sharing what is going on. Yet, to someone you do not know, you might be more formal, include more of an introduction, or over explain to make sure you said everything.   Read More
Praying Through Change - Day 13
by Compassion Creative on November 1st, 2023
Highlight Have you ever experienced something so great that you made sure everyone you knew experienced the same thing? Maybe it was a band you found and you told everyone to listen to them. Or maybe a restaurant you tried and recommended for the next month to everyone. Whatever it was, it felt life changing. You had such passion for it, that you had to make sure that everyone knew about your experience.  Read More
Praying Through Change - Day 12
by Compassion Creative on October 31st, 2023
Highlight Paul writes to the church of Ephesus and praises them for their faith in Jesus and their love for God’s people (v.15). In his prayer, he asks for the Lord to give them more wisdom and understanding of who He is. Paul goes on to ask God “that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you know…his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead…” (vv. 18-20). He is reminding the church of this truth and it still rings true for today. Take comfort knowing that the power of God - the same that raised Jesus from the dead - lives inside of you because of the Holy Spirit.   Read More
Praying Through Change - Day 11
by Compassion Creative on October 30th, 2023
Highlight The book of Romans was a letter written by Paul to the Christians in Rome. When writing, he split his letter into two sections. The first section sets up the foundation of the Christian faith, what to believe - talking about the sinfulness of humanity, forgiveness through Christ, freedom from sin, and Israel's past, present and future. The second section is focused on how to behave - the practical response to what we believe.  Read More
Praying Through Change - Week 03 Launch
by Compassion Creative on October 28th, 2023
Welcome Welcome to Week 3 of the 2023 Praying Through Change Reading Plan. This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here. This is a series all about how we are called to pray continuously and in all seasons (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18). Prayer is especially important in times of change and uncertainty. Everyone responds to change differently. A few people love change and embrace it with open arms, whereas others would like things to never change. The reality is God is the only thing that stays the same. Everything else is in constant change. So how do we handle that change? It is simple to say pray through it, but in reality, it takes training to trust God, silence and solitude to hear Him, and time spent reflecting on His faithfulness. This is a spiritual practice and we are here to walk alongside you as you learn to deepen your prayer life.  Read More
Praying Through Change - Day 10
by Compassion Creative on October 27th, 2023
Highlight As we have seen this week all throughout Acts, the church was devoted to meeting together. The church in Antioch is no different. There were prophets and teachers, worship, fasting, and listening to the Holy Spirit. In this passage, praying and listening to the Holy Spirit go hand and hand. It was when they were worshiping that the Holy Spirit spoke to set apart Barnabas and Saul (v.2). Then it was after they prayed that the Holy Spirit led them to Cyprus (v.3-4).  Read More
Praying Through Change - Day 09
by Compassion Creative on October 26th, 2023
Highlight Have you ever prayed for something and God answered, yet you still did not believe it happened?  Read More
Praying Through Change - Day 08
by Compassion Creative on October 25th, 2023
Highlight Stephen’s final prayer of “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit” and “Lord, do not hold this sin against them” (vv 59-60) resemble the final words of Jesus that are recorded in Luke 23:34, 46. Jesus’ character of commitment and forgiveness was also present in the life of His followers. It’s also worth noting that while Jesus directed his prayers to the Father, Stephen is directing his prayers to Jesus. It is clear that Jesus’ followers saw him as fully God and this is just one instance of that belief playing out in the life of one of Jesus’ followers. Stephen was committed to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit to the point where while being killed, he relied on praying to God to be his strength.  Read More
Praying Through Change - Day 07
by Compassion Creative on October 24th, 2023
Highlight Two interesting theological points are presented in this prayer. First, the connection to Old Testament messianic prophecy from Psalm 2:9. Where “king of earth” - King Herod, and “the rulers” - Pontius Pilot, “band together against the Lord and against the anointed one (v. 26). It was written by King David many years before, but after Jesus’ death and resurrection we can see where the Holy Spirit spoke through him to proclaim the death of the Messiah.  Read More
Praying Through Change - Day 06
by Compassion Creative on October 23rd, 2023
Highlight The early church devoted themselves. That opening carries weight, because the Greek word translated here is proskartereo which means “a steadfast and single-minded fidelity to a certain course of action.” These practices are not just something the early church did from time to time, it was their way of life. They sought to fully immerse themselves in the teaching of the apostles, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. It was not just an in passing situation or check mark for them. It was a daily practice of gathering to participate with brothers and sisters in Christ.  Read More
Praying Through Change - Week 02 Launch
by Compassion Creative on October 21st, 2023
Welcome Welcome to Week 2 of the 2023 Praying Through Change Reading Plan. This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here. This is a series all about how we are called to pray continuously and in all seasons (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18). Prayer is especially important in times of change and uncertainty. Everyone responds to change differently. A few people love change and embrace it with open arms, whereas others would like things to never change. The reality is God is the only thing that stays the same. Everything else is in constant change. So how do we handle that change? It is simple to say pray through it, but in reality, it takes training to trust God, silence and solitude to hear Him, and time spent reflecting on His faithfulness. This is a spiritual practice and we are here to walk alongside you as you learn to deepen your prayer life.   Read More
Praying Through Change - Day 05
by Compassion Creative on October 20th, 2023
Highlight In the previous and current sermon series, we have talked about doing the things Jesus did that we can emulate. One consistent spiritual discipline Jesus practiced was prayer. The gospels tell of him often going on his own to pray to the Father.  Read More
Praying Through Change - Day 04
by Compassion Creative on October 19th, 2023
Highlight Traditionally, John 17 is called “the high priestly prayer of Jesus,” because it reflects the role of a High Priest in Leviticus 16. The Day of Atonement, which God established to happen each year on the tenth day of the seventh month. On this day, the High Priest was to purify himself, offer sacrifices, enter into the Most Holy Place in the temple, and would intercede on behalf of the whole Israelite nation.   Read More
Praying Through Change - Day 03
by Compassion Creative on October 18th, 2023
Highlight Read these verses in John 11 closely. It is the story of Jesus comforting Mary and Martha and raising Lazarus from the dead. But wait, we are supposed to be looking at Jesus’ prayers. Where is his prayer of comfort or his prayer for Lazarus to come back to life? The prayers we expect him to be praying.  Read More
Praying Through Change - Day 02
by Compassion Creative on October 17th, 2023
Highlight Why does Jesus often compare us to “little children”? If you are like me, it almost feels like a slight. You think “I am an adult with important things going on, why am I being called a child.” Yet actually it is the best representation of the posture we need to have when we come to Jesus.  Read More
Praying Through Change - Day 01
by Compassion Creative on October 16th, 2023
Highlight If the Shema is the most well-known Old Testament prayer, then this prayer, The Lord's Prayer, is the most well-known New Testament prayer. Matthew and Luke are the two Gospels that record Jesus’ way of praying to the Father. Here in Matthew before the actual prayer, Jesus spends time teaching his disciples about the posture of prayer. Not the physical standing, kneeling, or sitting posture, but the heart posture. It is not about how many words you say (v.7) or how many people hear you (v.5). Rather, avoid the human desire to feel the need to “babble” lengthy prayers or the desire to impress others with praying publicly. It is not about the right words because he already knows what you need before you ask (v. 8). Instead, Jesus says to humbly posture yourself before the unseen Father and have a conversation with Him. It is a conversation full of thanksgiving, adoration, forgiveness, and request.  Read More
Praying Through Change - Week 01 Launch
by Compassion Creative on October 14th, 2023
Welcome to Week 1 of the 2023 Praying Through Change Reading Plan. This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name. This is a series all about how we are called to pray continuously and in all seasons (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18). Prayer is especially important in times of change and uncertainty. Everyone responds to change differently. A few people love change and embrace it with open arms, whereas others would like things to never change. The reality is God is the only thing that stays the same. Everything else is in constant change. So how do we handle that change? It is simple to say pray through it, but in reality, it takes training to trust God, silence and solitude to hear Him, and time spent reflecting on His faithfulness. This is a spiritual practice and we are here to walk alongside you as you learn to deepen your prayer life.  Read More