The Hebrew word for ‘way’ is ‘derek’ (דרך) and can refer to a physical road or path, but also metaphorically to a person's course of life or manner of conduct. Jesus is talking to us about the journey of our lives, our way of being in the world. A similar diversion of broad and narrow paths or ways of life is also described in Psalm 1, perhaps Jesus is echoing this familiar passage here for His listeners. Take a moment to read Psalm 1. Now read it again, slowly and out loud if you can. 

Yesterday we talked about the gate. The point of decision about whose Kingdom we want to pursue: God’s or our own. In both Matthew 7 and Psalm 1 we see that God’s way is the way to life, but it’s only for those who choose to go through the gate of righteousness, aligning their desires with God’s. 

But why would God make the gate and path narrow so that few enter it? Doesn’t He want us to choose His way? Let’s get to the deeper meaning here. The Greek word for narrow is ‘stenos’, which means constricting, from a root meaning “to squeeze” and is often used to describe oppression, an unjust action or being ‘pressed down’. In other words, it isn’t God, but outside forces that make this gate difficult to walk through and the path hard to navigate. Choosing God’s way has always required a confrontation with our own sin, the brokenness of our world, and an enemy that wants to distract and destroy us. But don’t worry, God knows the challenges we face and He has made a way…there’s more to the story.


Take a few moments to pray, honestly reflect, and journal your response to the following questions.

  • Psalm 1 says that the righteous person is like a tree planted by streams of water. If my life were a tree how would I imagine the place where it is planted today? What is the environment like?
  • How are my roots? Are they dry or well watered? Do I feel steady and strong or withered and weak?
  • What kind of water am I drawing from? Is it lifegiving and satisfying or do I have an unquenchable thirst for more?
  • What kind of path has led me here?
  • Read Psalm 1 again. What would it look like to delight in the truth of God’s word today?