Yesterday we spent time asking our Father to take a good look at our hearts. Knowing that He said that it will be given to us, that He will meet us exactly where we are, we are now going to seek. We will seek out the wisdom that He holds because His perspective is far higher than our own.
Sometimes the difference in asking and seeking can feel blurry, so it’s often helpful to have a mental visual. Imagine you went to the doctors office because you have something wrong going on in your body. You are asking a medical professional to examine you. The next step is for said doctor to examine you with the perspective of knowledge that they have that is beyond your own. You are already willing to be seen, now you are asking the doctor to be specific.
So today, we are getting more specific and on the nose. Today we are going to ask God to enter into pointed areas of our life and give us his heavenly perspective on it.
Sometimes the difference in asking and seeking can feel blurry, so it’s often helpful to have a mental visual. Imagine you went to the doctors office because you have something wrong going on in your body. You are asking a medical professional to examine you. The next step is for said doctor to examine you with the perspective of knowledge that they have that is beyond your own. You are already willing to be seen, now you are asking the doctor to be specific.
So today, we are getting more specific and on the nose. Today we are going to ask God to enter into pointed areas of our life and give us his heavenly perspective on it.
- What relationships in my life do I need to honestly say are a struggle for me? Where am I not loving or being loved well?
- Are there places where I am serving as judge, jury and executioner when really I am just meant to serve as a friend or brother/sister in Christ?
- What plank am I not seeing in my own eye? Where do I need to empty myself so that I can better uphold and encourage those around me?
- Are there situations where I need to hold onto my pearls? Where I am trying to call someone higher who is not prepared for that? Give me the insight and wisdom to discern those situations.
- Where have I passed my own judgement or self righteous reviews in places where I truly want to encourage and uphold?