Getting To The Root Of Retaliation

Wednesday, February 5

Reading: Matthew 5:38-42

Is it possible to be unoffendable?

 Living in the midst of “cancel culture”, some days it feels like everyone is offended by something or someone.  Maybe sometimes that someone is me. But that doesn’t feel like it matches with the message of peace, unity, and love that Jesus teaches.  Is Jesus dreaming of an ideal scenario that’s unattainable, or is it possible to be unoffendable?

Reflect On A Few Of These Questions

Before Reading:
Take a few deep breaths to slow your heart and mind.  Pray, inviting God into your thinking over these next few moments. Honestly reflect, and journal on the following questions:
  • What do I hope to gain from reading this today?
  • How can I approach this passage with an open mind and heart to receive God's message?

After Reading:
Living according to the ways of Jesus is sometimes referred to as “the upside-down kingdom”. This is one of those passages that feels like a prime example of why it feels “upside-down”! Who willingly resists evil by turning the other cheek when you have been slapped?  Who gives away more than asked to someone who is out to cause you harm?  Who willingly goes beyond what is expected to serve someone who thinks they are better than you?  It is one thing to give the benefit of the doubt, or to go above and beyond for someone you like, or who has helped you…but Jesus is challenging us to do these things to those who we would be most inclined to think “don’t deserve it” or should “get what is coming to them”.  

Our world teaches that if someone pushes us, we push back.  But Jesus is calling us to engage in those moments in a radically different way.
  • When have you wanted retaliation against someone who offended you? 
  • Can you think of a time when you or someone you knew responded in a generous way to a person who you didn’t feel deserved that kind of kindness?
  • Think back to the person you said on Monday that you would most like to "strike back" or “push against”.  What would it look like to do something kind to that person this week?


  • Book: Unoffendable by Brant Hansen
  • Book: How to Hug a Porcupine by Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis