Thursday, January 30

Reading:  Matthew 5:17-20

An Impossible Righteousness:

New Testament scholar, Jonathan Pennington, says that the Sermon on the Mount is clearly focused on providing a vision for a way of being in the world! Hence as we read it, think about it, and seek to integrate Jesus’ sermon into our lives, we should focus on reading to be transformed into the image of Christ Jesus. Pennington says, “All other readings, as beneficial as they can be -- historical, literary, dogmatic, political, postcolonial, grammatical, linguistic, text-critical -- are at best steps toward the highest form of reading, reading for personal transformation.” (Sermon on the Mount and Human Flourishing)

Knowing, believing, understanding, pursuing good and reliable information, studying, memorizing, and thinking about these instructions in a meditative and prayerful way are all important steps that lead us toward transformation. As we consider how we will become followers who both HEAR and DO what Jesus says, most of us will find it necessary to adjust our habits to include regular times to BE with God through prayer, Scripture engagement, worship, and reflection.

As you think about your personal rhythms or habits, reflect on a few of these questions:

  • What part of my life takes up most of my time and energy?
  • Where do I wish I could spend more time and energy?
  • What things “require” so much of me they leave me feeling depleted, worn out, and drained?
  • What things am I willing to rearrange in my life to make a transformation into Christlikeness possible?
  • What is my plan for following Jesus? Do I actually have a plan?

Consider a few more questions around the idea of a plan for following JESUS:

  • What am I looking for anyway?  What do I most want?
  • What things occupy my mind — my thoughts and feelings?
  • Do I truly believe that setting my heart and mind on Jesus is doable? Worthwhile?
  • Am I afraid I will miss out on something if I devote my mind and heart to higher things?
  • Make a short list of the changes that you hope might come to you if you seriously redirect your heart and mind to being with Jesus, becoming like Him, and doing the things that He did.
  • Do you have confidence in Jesus that he can help you make this your daily experience?

For further study, see Colossians 3:1-17 for a model discipleship plan. Offer a prayer of surrender, and ask GOD to help you set your heart and mind on things above where Christ is!  Ask Jesus to help you see what shifts you need to make in your life so that you can BECOME a more devoted follower.