Following Jesus As The Way

Wednesday, January 29
Reading:  Matthew 5:17-20

An Impossible Righteousness:

What Jesus was saying about the availability of life in the Kingdom of God was truly revolutionary, and, at the same time, perfectly in tune with the ancient stories and promises of Scripture. Remarkably, Jesus brought it all into reality in his own person, embodying the way of self-giving love which is the deepest fulfillment of the law and the prophets. Israel’s whole story was going to come true in Jesus!  He was the door, The Way, to making a covenant with GOD a reality in their lives, “changing behavior not just by teaching but by a change of heart and mind itself.” (See NT Wright’s excellent commentary, Matthew for Everyone.)

In addition to helping Israel understand that he was the fulfillment of these longstanding promises, Jesus showed that he and his followers really were living by (and also dying by) the new “Way” he was announcing. He clearly expects his followers to be both practitioners and teachers of The Way. Matthew 5:19, NIV -  “… but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven”.

One important way we continue to adjust to Jesus’ offer of Kingdom Life is to enter into thoughtful reflection about where we are experiencing the life he describes and where we are NOT experiencing an abundant life in Christ! There are many approaches we can use. One helpful approach is the process of the Examen prayer.  There is a lot of information and ideas available on the internet about this ancient way of praying. Generally, this is a way of listening to the Spirit as He guides us through basic reflection about our lives as followers of Jesus.

Let’s practice a version of the Examen prayer:

This is a great spiritual tool to use at the end of a season of life or calendar year. This might be an exercise you want to sit with for more than a day, so feel free to keep coming back to it. Grab your journal and sit with the Lord around a few of these questions.

  • What are the most important events that happened to me this past season/year?
  • What are the greatest breakthroughs this past season/year? (Spiritually, physically, relationally, emotionally).
  • What has been the greatest struggle this past season/year?
  • What has been the greatest loss? Most intense pain or disappointment?
  • What is the area of my life that has consumed the most energy — thinking, feeling, time, and effort?
  • If I could rewrite my story this past season/year, what would I omit? What would I add?
  • Where have I experienced the presence of GOD the most?
  • What is one step I could take to open myself more to GOD’s presence, welcoming his guidance as I process my story?