You Have Heard It Said | Matthew 5:17-20

Sunday, January 26

Get Ready For The Week

At this point in the Sermon, we have already heard Jesus’ description of the Good Life (often referred to as The Be-attitudes) and considered his remarkable description of WHO disciples of Jesus become as they follow him closely (salt and light) CLICK HERE.

Now we turn our thoughts to Jesus’ interpretation of a “greater righteousness”.  Matt. 5:17-20
In Jesus’ day, hundreds of laws were built around interpreting the Torah. The Jewish people under Roman occupation couldn’t follow all of these requirements perfectly, and there was much confusion about what being faithful to the Law looked like, each Rabbi offering his own interpretations.  Jesus deals with this confusion by placing these requirements in their historical context, validating the importance of the Law and the Prophets, and offering clarity around how to understand them. In essence, he helps us see that his invitation to live in the Kingdom of GOD is the only reasonable strategy for understanding and living the BLESSED LIFE.

Jesus makes it clear that he is NOT abolishing anything but has come to fulfill all of it. He places himself at the center, the bridge connecting what has been and what is to come. He is offering a new perspective on understanding the Scriptures by using case studies like murder, adultery, oaths, retaliation, love for enemies, treasures, reputation, the spiritual disciples of fasting, praying, giving, etc.  “You have heard that it was said … but I say to you … “ is a phrase (or a version of it) that will be repeated several times. As he wraps up the “introduction” to the sermon, Jesus offers great hope for devoted disciples - those who will take seriously this invitation to surrender their lives to him by living in the Kingdom of God and teaching others to do the same!

  • Download The Bible Project App, Sermon on the Mount series
  • Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy
  • NT Wright, Matthew for Everyone
  • Favorite Journal — If you do not already have a Journal, try the app called Day One Journal.  Easy and accessible, you can create your own template for daily journaling.  The practice of reflection is key if we are to grow toward maturity in Christ.