Salt & Light | It Takes Intentionality

Thursday, January 23

Reading: Matthew 5:14-16

Action Steps:

Living as salt and light isn’t just about managing our behavior, it’s about becoming someone new…living our lives doing what Jesus would do if He were in our place. Jesus calls us to actively influence the world around us by showing His love, grace, and truth in every situation. It doesn’t always come naturally. It takes intentionality. It’s about looking for opportunities to reflect His goodness, whether that’s through a kind word, giving sacrificially of our time or resources, or being fully present to someone who needs encouragement. So, let’s make it real.

Today's Challenge:

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to give you an opportunity to participate in His Kingdom work today by bringing salt and light into your interactions with others. Look for Him to move, open a door or lead you to a person or need and then journal about your experience and response at the end of the day. How did you sense His invitation? How did you feel? How did you respond? What did you learn?
  • You probably already know people, situations or needs in your life or community that need to experience the salt and light of Jesus. Write out a list of ways over the next month that you could intentionally bring the Kingdom into those areas by serving, praying, giving, or encouraging etc. Try to take one intentional act every day and journal about it.

Scripture Memory:

See how much you can quote without reading it first. Then read Matthew 5:14-16 out loud, and practice a few times to recite without looking. Set four alarms throughout the day for you to stop and practice.