Salt & Light | City On A Hill
Wednesday, January 22
Reading: Matthew 5:14-16
Be Encouraged:
Sometimes, we encounter people whose lives shine so brightly with the reflection of Jesus that they seem to embody the “city on a hill” Jesus talks about in Matthew 5:14. These are the ones whose faith and character draw others in, offering hope and inspiration seemingly without effort. Have you ever met someone like that? Take a moment to think about someone who has made that kind of impact on you. When we recognize that light in others, it’s powerful to not only appreciate it but also to let them know what we see in them.
Today's Challenge:
- Who is someone that comes to mind that reminds you of a “city on a hill” like Jesus talks about?
- Tell that person what you see in them.
- Ask them to share their discipleship story with you.
Scripture Memory:
Read Matthew 5:14-16, write it out, and highlight key phrases that you automatically latch onto. Practice reciting it out loud from memory and see how far you can get. Set four alarms throughout the day for you to stop and say it out loud.