Salt & Light | How Am I Experienced?
Tuesday, January 21
Reading: Matthew 5:14-16
Following Jesus isn't a passive thing—it's meant to make waves, to be bold, and to shake things up, for us as well as those around us. Jesus didn’t call us to blend in or hide our light under a basket. It's easy to get caught up in the grind and forget that our lives are meant to stand out, to impact people in a way that points them back to Jesus. So, let’s hit pause for a second and take stock. Are we truly living as salt and light in a way that transforms those we encounter?
Spark Some Honest Reflection:
- How is my discipleship to Jesus regularly impacting the people around me?
- Ask a trusted friend, how has their experience of me impacted their view of Jesus?
Scripture Memory:
Spend five to ten minutes saying and writing out Matthew 5:14-16. Set four alarms throughout the day for you to stop, read, and say it out loud.