Beatitudes | Seeing Others Through God’s Eyes

Wednesday, January 15

Reading: Matthew 5:3-10

Today's Prayer:

Take a moment to pause and reflect today. These questions are meant to help you dig deeper into your journey and uncover where God is inviting you to grow. Don’t rush—take your time with each one, be honest, and let the answers come. Write them down, and allow space for God to speak to you through your thoughts.

As you reflect, consider this prayer: “Lord, reveal to me where I struggle to see and appreciate these attributes in others.” Whether you’re recognizing strengths or facing challenges, trust that God is right there with you, guiding you toward growth and understanding.

Sit With These Questions:

  • Who do you find it easy to see these attributes in? Why?
  • Which attribute is most difficult for me to appreciate when I see it in someone else? Is there a specific person I struggle with? A group of people?
  • How could I better get to know this person or people?
  • How might a relationship with this person grow my ability to appreciate and even learn from these attributes in them?