Christmas with Compassion | Launch Week 01

Welcome to Genealogy of Christmas Reading Plan! This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here.
Merry Christmas! Whether you strongly believe that Christmas begins after Halloween or not until after Thanksgiving, we are happy you have chosen to be here with us during our Christmas series. This is truly one of our favorite seasons around here. Not only do we enjoy the time with family and friends, hot chocolate, and opening presents that all occur during this season. Most of all, we enjoy the time to slow down and remember how our God humbled Himself for us. He chose to leave the throne in Heaven to be born as a baby to walk in our world and experience what we experience in order to reconcile our brokenness to His Holiness.
This week we are taking a look at Jesus’ genealogy that is recorded in the book of Matthew. We will look at Matthew’s calling to follow Jesus. Then at the end of the week, we will look at the stories of three of the four Old Testament ladies that are found in Jesus’ ancestry. Spoiler - we are skipping Rabah because we will speak more about her in a few weeks.
Before We Start
The Bible Project has a great article that speaks into the historical importance of Jesus’ genealogy that is found in the book of Matthew. Spend time reading for deeper context.
Looking Ahead
Monday, December 2 - Matthew 1:1-17
Tuesday, December 3 - Matthew 9:9-13
Wednesday, December 4 - Genesis 38
Thursday, December 5 - Ruth 4
Friday, December 6 - 2 Samuel 11
Welcome to Genealogy of Christmas Reading Plan! This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here.
Merry Christmas! Whether you strongly believe that Christmas begins after Halloween or not until after Thanksgiving, we are happy you have chosen to be here with us during our Christmas series. This is truly one of our favorite seasons around here. Not only do we enjoy the time with family and friends, hot chocolate, and opening presents that all occur during this season. Most of all, we enjoy the time to slow down and remember how our God humbled Himself for us. He chose to leave the throne in Heaven to be born as a baby to walk in our world and experience what we experience in order to reconcile our brokenness to His Holiness.
This week we are taking a look at Jesus’ genealogy that is recorded in the book of Matthew. We will look at Matthew’s calling to follow Jesus. Then at the end of the week, we will look at the stories of three of the four Old Testament ladies that are found in Jesus’ ancestry. Spoiler - we are skipping Rabah because we will speak more about her in a few weeks.
Before We Start
The Bible Project has a great article that speaks into the historical importance of Jesus’ genealogy that is found in the book of Matthew. Spend time reading for deeper context.
Looking Ahead
Monday, December 2 - Matthew 1:1-17
Tuesday, December 3 - Matthew 9:9-13
Wednesday, December 4 - Genesis 38
Thursday, December 5 - Ruth 4
Friday, December 6 - 2 Samuel 11
Posted in Christmas With Compassion 2024