Faith Promise - What's Next - Day 03

Outreach Partners
Ghana Christian Mission (Ghana) & Africa Development Mission Trust (Zimbabwe)

At our Henderson Campus this week we got to hear from Enoch and Wisdom Nyador of Ghana Christian Mission (GCM). Since its inception in 1987, Ghana Christian Mission has planted more than 240 churches and baptized over 15,000 people in Ghana, West Africa. Through their network of Christian medical clinics they have served over 700,000 patients in remote villages where they are often the only medical care in the name of Jesus. This year our church made a strategic investment with GCM in two church plants in northern Ghana among primarily Muslim people groups. As Islam moves steadily south from north Africa, God has strategically planted GCM to be a force for the truth of the Gospel directly in its path.

At our Midway Campus we had the opportunity to hear from Denford Chizanga, Executive Director of Africa Development Mission Trust (ADMT) in Zimbabwe. ADMT uses clean water, community gardens, vocational training and church planting to transform communities in the name of Jesus. ADMT has drilled more than 150 wells throughout Zimbabwe bringing life saving clean water and the message of Christ as the living water to thousands of families. This year our church partnered with ADMT to expand their vocational training center and plant new churches among unreached people groups in Mozambique and Malawi.

Reflection & Prayer
  • Pray for Enoch and Lydia Nyador and their family. As Enoch transitions from the founding director of Ghana Christian Mission to a supportive role in partnership development pray that his work would continue to multiply the impact of GCM.
  • Pray for Wisdom and Rebecca Nyador and their three children. Pray that as Wisdom steps into the role of Executive Director of GCM that he would have discernment, vision and courage to lead the ministry into a new generation of Kingdom advancement in West Africa. 
  • Pray for Denford and Shingi Chizanga and their three children. Recently, their family has come under increasing pressure and persecution in their community. Pray for their safety and effectiveness as they press on toward their calling to make a difference with the Gospel in Zimbabwe and beyond. 
  • Pray for the unreached people groups that GCM and ADMT are working among. As they receive the Gospel message for the very first time, pray that they would have ears to hear and eyes to see the good news of Christ and that the truth of his word would change generations to come in their communities.