Faith Promise - What's Next Day 01

Day 01 - Monday, October 28
Read Matthew 28

Verses 18-20 of Matthew 28 are commonly known as the ‘Great Commission’. As we can see in this passage, it doesn’t take long for the good news of Jesus’ resurrection to face intense opposition. All over the world there are forces, both spiritual and natural, seeking to suppress the hope and freedom that can be found in Christ. And yet, Jesus’ last words to his disciples is a command to ‘go’ into all the world bringing the light of his message of love and redemption into those dark places. And still today this is the mission of the body of Christ - to be his hands and feet, to do what he would do if he were in our place, to carry his message bravely into our homes, our schools, our workplaces, our neighborhoods…and to the very ends of the earth. Throughout this week we will have the privilege of hearing the stories of some of our Outreach Partners that have dedicated their lives to vocational ministry in some of the most challenging mission fields in the world. As we reflect on their sacrifice and their faith, let’s not forget that we share the same mission. Missionaries are not heroes, though their work is often heroic. They are simply obedient disciples. One of our Outreach Partners once wisely said, “If you’re wondering where Jesus has called you, look down and see where your feet are”.

Reflection & Prayer
  • Who was the first person to tell you about Jesus? Thank God for them and for their obedience to share his good news with you.
  • Who is your ‘one’? Who has God put in your path so that you could share what he’s done in your life and the hope you have in him? Pray that God would give you an opportunity to share his story with them this week. If you’re not sure who that person is, pray that God would give you a name. 
  • Jesus told his disciples to start sharing his story in Jerusalem. In other words, start with your neighbors. Take a few minutes to pray for our Local Partners who are serving our community in the name of Jesus.
  • Pray for God’s favor and hand of provision and blessing over our church’s Faith Promise celebration. Ask God how He wants you to be a part of the Great Commission through praying, giving and going to nations.