Faith Promise - What's Next - Week 01 Launch


Welcome to Week 1 of the Faith Promise Reading Plan! This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here.

Every year our church family looks forward to celebrating Faith Promise! This series is devoted to looking back on all that God has done through our church and our Outreach Partners to make a difference in our local communities and all over the world throughout the past year. Then, we look ahead at the invitation God is giving all of us to engage in His Kingdom work in the year ahead. We make a commitment, a promise to give sacrificially above and beyond our tithe, to this eternal work…trusting in faith that He will provide what we commit and multiply it for His purposes.  Because of Faith Promise, clean water is provided to communities for the very first time, Christian education is available in some of the hardest to reach places in the world, relief and spiritual care is being offered in communities torn apart by war, young people are being discipled and breaking generational cycles of sin and poverty, thousands of people are hearing the Gospel message and finding a life changing relationship with Jesus in some of the farthest corners of the earth and in our own backyard. We can do so much more together than any of us could possibly do on our own!

Before We Start
This week we are going to shift gears from our typical format to set aside some time to pray intentionally for the Global Outreach Partners that will be speaking across our Campuses throughout the week. As we hear their incredible stories, be reminded that these are only some of the incredible individuals, families and organizations we are blessed to partner with in the Gospel. If you want to learn more about our Outreach Partners, check out our website HERE.

Looking Ahead
Here is a list of the Scripture & Outreach Partners we’ll be praying through this week:

Monday, October 28  - Matthew 28:11-20
Tuesday, October 29 - Tavriski Christian Institute (Ukraine) & Proem (Poland)
Wednesday, October 30 - Ghana Christian Mission (Ghana) & Africa Development Mission Trust (Zimbabwe)
Thursday, October 31 -  Seeds of Hope (Palestine) & Jesus Disciple Ministries for Nation (Pakistan)
Friday, November 1 - Good News Jail & Prison Ministry (Rwanda) and Buena Vista Sports Academy (Guatemala/Honduras/Senegal)