Good Work - Launch Week 05

Welcome to Week 5 of the Good Work Reading Plan! This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here.

Throughout this series we have been talking about the Biblical perspective of work. Thus far, we have learned - God is a worker, and because we bear His image, we too are called to work. Next, work is not a curse…but it is cursed. Then Pastor Marcus talked about how as Christ followers, our world view should not be focused on separate secular or sacred things. Instead God is in all things, therefore our view should be sacred - meaning our work should come from a place that honors God and serves others. Last week, we expanded what it means and how it looks to serve others in our work. This upcoming week, our focus will be on rest. Work and rest are friends, not enemies. 

In fact we were built for rest. Biblical rest comes from the Hebrew word shabbāth which means “rest” or “ceasing from work.” It is where Sabbath receives its origin and why God places it as one of the ten commandments. Rest, taking a Sabbath, is important to God. Therefore, we must begin to allow space for rest in our lives. This week and the next we will look deeper into how rest plays a part in our work.

Before We Start
Often the idea of Sabbath can seem difficult, or broad, or uninteresting. Yet, it is greatly important to our God and there are so many interesting things that focus around the Sabbath. Take a moment to watch the team at Bible Project exploring the concept of Sabbath.

This two part series from the Bible Project, is a great resource on  the Biblical narrative around work and vocation. Theology of Work

Looking Ahead
Here is a list of this week's verses:

Monday, Oct 14 - Genesis 2:1-3
Tuesday, Oct 15 - Exodus 20:8-11
Wednesday, Oct 16 - Matthew 11:28-30
Thursday, Oct 17 - Hebrews 4
Friday, Oct 18 - Psalm 92
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