Good Work - Launch Week 04


Welcome to Week 4 of the Good Work Reading Plan! This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here.

It is our prayer that through this series you have begun to view your work in a different light. Thus far, Marcus has talked about God’s design for work. How God Himself is an author, designer, craftsman and has created us to bear His image in this shared opportunity to work. Yet, His original design for work is broken. Our society has begun to take a different direction in the way we view work. Often, we think of work as something we have to get through before we can enjoy leisure activities - the things we care about and want to invest our time in. But actually, we will spend more of our time working a job, than participating in leisure activities. Therefore, as Christ followers we need to begin to rethink how our society has influenced our view of work. Because God created us for good works. He created us to build, design, and create - all the things we see Him do in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. Our work is intended to serve God. Not because He needs our service, or because our service will “win” us anything. Harrison said it best in his sermon this weekend at our Henderson Campus - “All work has a common and exalted purpose: to honor God by loving your neighbors and serving them through your work.”

Before We Start
For a deeper dive into the Biblical narrative around work and vocation, consider investing some time in listening to a two part series of the Bible Project’s podcast in which Tim Mackie suggests that work is not a curse but actually one of the greatest gifts that God has given to humans.

Theology of Work

Looking Ahead
Here is a list of this week's verses:

Monday, Oct 7 - Ephesians 6
Tuesday, Oct 8 - Ruth 2
Wednesday, Oct 9 - Esther 4
Thursday, Oct 10 - Genesis 50:15-21
Friday, Oct 11 - Matthew 25:31-46
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