First Comes Love - Week 03 Launch


Welcome to Week 3 of the First Comes Love Reading Plan! This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here.

We all start with innocent notions of love that our world can quickly shatter; turns out relationships are more complicated than a nursery rhyme!  In the First Comes Love series  we’re going to examine the biblical understanding of love by focusing on topics like friendship, singleness, loneliness, marriage, sex and family.  In this reading plan, we will spend time in stories and teachings that will deepen our own understanding of the Bible’s instruction in these areas.

Before We Start
One important aspect of understanding the Bible’s teachings on love is to understand that even the word “love” in the Bible doesn’t always mean what we imagine it to mean in English.  This video will help us understand that even the actual word “love” often carries deeper meaning in Scripture.

Agape - Love

Looking Ahead
Here is a list of this week's verses:

Monday, April 22 - 1 Corinthians 7
Tuesday, April 23 - 2 Timothy 1
Wednesday, April 24 - 2 Timothy 2
Thursday, April 25 - 2 Timothy 3
Friday, April 26 - 2 Timothy 4
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