Easter Week 02 - Launch


Welcome to Easter with Compassion! This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here.

As Pastor Cam has mentioned “the resurrection of Jesus is the defining reality that separates followers of Jesus from every other faith.” Most other religions have pilgrimages to see where their leaders are buried. Yet, Christian visit a borrowed tomb, because Jesus did not stay dead like other religious leaders. In fact, Jesus is nothing like other religious leaders - because of His resurrection and because He wants a relationship with you. 

Other religions require rules and check marks to be completed. Jesus requires a relationship with us. Our faith is in His life, His death, and His resurrection. Then one must allow that faith and relationship with Jesus and His Holy Spirit to transform our life. That transformation is evident in the faith we profess and the relationship we share with Jesus. 

This week we are talking about the power of Jesus’ resurrection, what it meant in the New Testament, and how it is still working today.

Before We Start
Take a moment to watch the Bible Projects Summary of the Resurrection of Jesus found in Luke 24. This will help recap

Resurrection of Jesus

Looking Ahead
Here is a list of this week's verses:

Monday, April 1 - Romans 6
Tuesday, April 2 - 1 Corinthians 15
Wednesday, April 3 - Ephesians 1
Thursday, April 4 - 1 Peter 1
Friday, April 5 - 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
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