Christmas with Compassion - Week 05 Launch

Welcome to Week 5 of the 2023 Christmas with Compassion Reading Plan! This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here. This is a special week at Compassion where we welcome a guest speaker named Bob Russell. It’s a special week because it is always a privilege to learn from a man who has led a faithful and fruitful life. Pastor Bob’s own discipleship has inspired the short book of the Bible we will read through this week: 2 Timothy.
Before We Start
The Book of Second Timothy is one of Paul’s ‘Pastoral Epistles’ because it is a letter written not to a congregation, but to his protege. At the time of writing this letter, Paul is in prison and has had a faithful and fruitful ministry that is coming to an end. This letter is written to a pastor that Paul has personally mentored named Timothy, and within it we find the wisdom of a veteran of the faith poured out. To grasp the full context of the letter, watch the video linked below:
More on 2 Timothy
Welcome to Week 5 of the 2023 Christmas with Compassion Reading Plan! This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which you can find information about right here. This is a special week at Compassion where we welcome a guest speaker named Bob Russell. It’s a special week because it is always a privilege to learn from a man who has led a faithful and fruitful life. Pastor Bob’s own discipleship has inspired the short book of the Bible we will read through this week: 2 Timothy.
Before We Start
The Book of Second Timothy is one of Paul’s ‘Pastoral Epistles’ because it is a letter written not to a congregation, but to his protege. At the time of writing this letter, Paul is in prison and has had a faithful and fruitful ministry that is coming to an end. This letter is written to a pastor that Paul has personally mentored named Timothy, and within it we find the wisdom of a veteran of the faith poured out. To grasp the full context of the letter, watch the video linked below:
More on 2 Timothy
Posted in Christmas With Compassion