Influencers - Day 03

Day 03: Wednesday, August 16
Read 1 Corinthians 2
In this chapter Paul continues to highlight that it is foolish to put our ultimate trust in people or anything of human origin. To emphasize this, Paul is going to argue that the Gospel is proof of God’s power and wisdom. In fact, Paul goes so far to say that the key to understanding the things of God is for God Himself to empower that understanding. Otherwise, the Gospel is foolishness.
One of the words that Paul uses to help make this point is mysterion, a favorite word of Paul’s letters. This word is translated as “secret/hidden wisdom” in verse 7, but in other letters it is translated as “mystery.” Paul talks about this mystery regularly, and it refers to a major theme that Paul surely taught in person as well as through his letters. The plan of God to save not just the Jews, but all of humanity, through the coming of Jesus was hinted at throughout the Old Testament Scriptures. It literally goes back to Genesis 3, right after sin entered the world. Some details of that plan were kept hidden until God’s perfect timing, when the plan became clear through Jesus and (as this chapter argues) the Holy Spirit. Paul is saying that the secret wisdom, prearranged “before time began,” of defeating the powers of evil and introducing the coming age of victory has now taken place through the death and resurrection of his Son. And Paul is reminding the Corinthians of this because a plan that began “before time” is obviously beyond any human wisdom or ability to execute. What’s the obvious conclusion that Paul is building towards? That no human deserves any credit, including himself. All our faith and trust should be directed entirely to the Father.
S.O.A.P. Method
Scripture - Pick a verse or two that stood out to you and write it in your journal. Be looking for a “Holy Spirit Highlight.” What did you read and think “I needed to hear that” or felt like it was written just for you?
Observation - Now write some observations about the verse(s) or passage. What is this passage or verse saying? About God? About people? How is Jesus revealed in these verses?
Application - Now write a few sentences on how this passage applies to your life. Is there truth about God that you are to believe? A promise to receive? Is the Holy Spirit convicting you of something you need to do or stop doing in light of God’s truth?
Prayer - Now write out a prayer to God in response to this Scripture. This is a way to turn God’s Word to you back to Him. Be honest and express your heart to Him. God always listens and He delights in your prayers. (Psalm 34:15; Proverbs 15:8)
Read 1 Corinthians 2
In this chapter Paul continues to highlight that it is foolish to put our ultimate trust in people or anything of human origin. To emphasize this, Paul is going to argue that the Gospel is proof of God’s power and wisdom. In fact, Paul goes so far to say that the key to understanding the things of God is for God Himself to empower that understanding. Otherwise, the Gospel is foolishness.
One of the words that Paul uses to help make this point is mysterion, a favorite word of Paul’s letters. This word is translated as “secret/hidden wisdom” in verse 7, but in other letters it is translated as “mystery.” Paul talks about this mystery regularly, and it refers to a major theme that Paul surely taught in person as well as through his letters. The plan of God to save not just the Jews, but all of humanity, through the coming of Jesus was hinted at throughout the Old Testament Scriptures. It literally goes back to Genesis 3, right after sin entered the world. Some details of that plan were kept hidden until God’s perfect timing, when the plan became clear through Jesus and (as this chapter argues) the Holy Spirit. Paul is saying that the secret wisdom, prearranged “before time began,” of defeating the powers of evil and introducing the coming age of victory has now taken place through the death and resurrection of his Son. And Paul is reminding the Corinthians of this because a plan that began “before time” is obviously beyond any human wisdom or ability to execute. What’s the obvious conclusion that Paul is building towards? That no human deserves any credit, including himself. All our faith and trust should be directed entirely to the Father.
S.O.A.P. Method
Scripture - Pick a verse or two that stood out to you and write it in your journal. Be looking for a “Holy Spirit Highlight.” What did you read and think “I needed to hear that” or felt like it was written just for you?
Observation - Now write some observations about the verse(s) or passage. What is this passage or verse saying? About God? About people? How is Jesus revealed in these verses?
Application - Now write a few sentences on how this passage applies to your life. Is there truth about God that you are to believe? A promise to receive? Is the Holy Spirit convicting you of something you need to do or stop doing in light of God’s truth?
Prayer - Now write out a prayer to God in response to this Scripture. This is a way to turn God’s Word to you back to Him. Be honest and express your heart to Him. God always listens and He delights in your prayers. (Psalm 34:15; Proverbs 15:8)
Posted in Influencers