Good Question - Day 07

Day 07: Tuesday, April 25
Read Proverbs 7

Again the author returns to warnings against sexual temptation.  Two words are interesting in Hebrew.  First, in verse 8 the word used here for walking is sā’ad, which means “to march.”  In other words, this is not a random stroll.  The word communicates intentionality.  He may not have been intending to sleep with this woman, but he was putting himself intentionally in her path.  As mentioned last week, setting boundaries is important because otherwise we play with fire when we seek the thrill of flirting with danger.

The second word is in verse 18, and it is the word dôd.  This is the Hebrew word for sexual love and it creates a picture of the mingling of souls.  There is another word for love in Hebrew that is ahavah and it can refer both to the love of close friends and to the love between a husband and a wife.  The root of the word is ahav, “to give,” and it refers to a committed love.  As we have already seen in Proverbs, the Bible is not anti - dôd.  In fact, just a couple of chapters ago, marital dôd was celebrated and encouraged!  Rather, in God’s plan laid out in the Old Testament, these loves are intended to be experienced in sequence.  Commitment first, mingling of souls second.  We should all remember that our good God wants us to be cherished as a person before we are enjoyed as a body.  Get this out of order and that path leads “down to the chambers of death.” (v.27)

Reflection & Prayer
For this reading plan we will be using a tool to guide our study of Scripture that’s called the S.O.A.P. Method.  It stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer.  We recommend you use a journal with this method and write out your thoughts on each of these areas for each day of reading.  It doesn’t have to be long-winded and you don’t need a fancy journal.  But for anyone that has not journaled before, the benefit is that it often helps us focus and avoid distractions during prayer and Bible study.

S.O.A.P. Method

Scripture - Pick a verse or two that stood out to you and write it in your journal.  Be looking for a “Holy Spirit Highlight.”  What did you read and think “I needed to hear that” or felt like it was written just for you?

Observation - Now write some observations about the verse(s) or passage. What is this passage or verse saying? About God? About people? How is Jesus revealed in these verses?

Application - Now write a few sentences on how this passage applies to your life. Is there truth about God that you are to believe? A promise to receive? Is the Holy Spirit convicting you of something you need to do or stop doing in light of God’s truth?

Prayer - Now write out a prayer to God in response to this Scripture. This is a way to turn God’s Word to you back to Him. Be honest and express your heart to Him. God always listens and He delights in your prayers. (Psalm 34:15; Proverbs 15:8)
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