Good Question - Week 02 Launch

Welcome to Week 2 of the Good Question Reading Plan!  This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which can be found here.  This series is focused on answering questions about God, The Bible, Christianity, and faith in general that were selected by the people of our church.  The reading plan will focus on the Book of Proverbs, whose purpose is to answer another good question: How do I make the wisest choice in any given situation?

The good news for all of us is that God is generous and wants to give us wisdom.  This is the promise of James 1:5, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.”  Holding on to the character of our good God is always important as we engage His Word.  As we read about wisdom, don’t forget to ask Him for it in prayer.  He will joyfully and generously provide it!
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