Good Question - Day 04

Day 04: Thursday, April 20
Read Proverbs 4

Verses 20-23 engage the whole body in seeking wisdom.  We are to use our ears, eyes, and hearts to stay focused on wise counsel from the author of Proverbs.  The heart especially receives focus with what might immediately strike us as extreme: above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. (v. 23)  In an Ancient Near East context, the heart was believed to be our mind/will.  The heart was the place from which everyone made choices.  Therefore, a heart filled with wisdom and the things of God would make good choices but a heart filled with foolishness and the things of this world would make bad choices.

Jesus took the exact same idea and used an illustration of fruit: “A tree is identified by its fruit.  Figs are never gathered from thornbushes, and grapes are not picked from bramble bushes.  A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart.  What you say flows from what is in your heart.” (Luke 6:44-45)

Two different metaphors, but the same idea: what you fill your heart with will be what overflows from you.  This is why Solomon stresses repeatedly that his son(s) must listen to his words, but not only pay attention but to treasure them, keep them, and guard their own hearts from foolish words.  How well they do so will affect literally everything in their lives.  

Reflection & Prayer
For this reading plan we will be using a tool to guide our study of Scripture that’s called the S.O.A.P. Method.  It stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer.  We recommend you use a journal with this method and write out your thoughts on each of these areas for each day of reading.  It doesn’t have to be long-winded and you don’t need a fancy journal.  But for anyone that has not journaled before, the benefit is that it often helps us focus and avoid distractions during prayer and Bible study.

S.O.A.P. Method

Scripture - Pick a verse or two that stood out to you and write it in your journal.  Be looking for a “Holy Spirit Highlight.”  What did you read and think “I needed to hear that” or felt like it was written just for you?

Observation - Now write some observations about the verse(s) or passage. What is this passage or verse saying? About God? About people? How is Jesus revealed in these verses?

Application - Now write a few sentences on how this passage applies to your life. Is there truth about God that you are to believe? A promise to receive? Is the Holy Spirit convicting you of something you need to do or stop doing in light of God’s truth?

Prayer - Now write out a prayer to God in response to this Scripture. This is a way to turn God’s Word to you back to Him. Be honest and express your heart to Him. God always listens and He delights in your prayers. (Psalm 34:15; Proverbs 15:8)

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