The Resistance - Week 08 Launch

We Want To Hear From You
It's our hope that this reading plan has been an impactful part of this series for you and we are excited for future projects like it. To help us stay on course, take two minutes to tell us about your experience: TAKE THE SURVEY
Welcome to Week 8, the final week of the Resistance Reading Plan! This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which can be found HERE. This series explores how the lies of the secular world can harm us, especially our mental health, but there are ways to resist those lies and find the abundant life that God wants for us. The reading plan will focus on the same things by guiding us through Scripture that speaks to those truths.
Christianity is unique from any other major world religion in many ways, but one of the most profound and beautiful things that followers of Jesus believe is that through the work of Jesus we have been brought back into a relationship with the Father. Colossians 1:21-22 says it this way: “You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions. Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.” We don’t need priests or rituals between us and a holy God. We have been brought into his presence. Through His Word our God speaks to us and through prayer we speak back, allowing us to have a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father. May the truth of these things help you engage with this plan with wonder and joy!
Before We Start
This is the final week of the Resistance Reading Plan and we would love to hear from you about your experience, look for a short survey at the close of this week. Also, as we conclude our Resistance series, we hope you will join us for our next Reading Plan that will prepare our hearts for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection at Easter!
Our final week of “The Resistance” is focused on Loneliness, so we are going to spend time reflecting on the life of the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah is a fitting place to land as we draw this series to a close because in so many ways he embodies what it means to be part of the Resistance. In addition to the book of Jeremiah which includes the biography and many prophecies of Jeremiah, he is also believed to have authored the books of Kings and Lamentations. We are introduced to Jeremiah 600 years before Christ in a politically tumultuous time in the history of Israel. Jeremiah’s message is about the Holiness of God which cannot be tainted by the sickness of human sin. It’s also a message of the compassion and mercy that is available to all those who would turn toward the perfect God who because of His great love for us makes a way for the rescue and redemption of imperfect people, if only we will join the resistance.
Jeremiah is commonly referred to as the “weeping prophet”, and for good reason. He is called by God as a young man, scholars believe around 20 years old, when groups of Judeans have been taken captive by the Babylonians (1:1-3). The Lord warns Jeremiah not to take a wife or have children (16:1-4) because of the devastation that will befall the Israelites who are left behind due to their disobedience as they have turned to idols and false prophets. His message of repentance and resistance is not well received by his people and he is attacked by his own community (11:18-19). Jeremiah lived a life of isolation and never got to see the fruit of His faithfulness. However, the reward we see unfold in his story is an intimate relationship with His Creator who honors him with glimpses of the coming Messiah and the beauty and peace that awaits Him in eternity.
It's our hope that this reading plan has been an impactful part of this series for you and we are excited for future projects like it. To help us stay on course, take two minutes to tell us about your experience: TAKE THE SURVEY
Welcome to Week 8, the final week of the Resistance Reading Plan! This reading plan is designed to partner with Compassion Christian Church’s sermon series of the same name, which can be found HERE. This series explores how the lies of the secular world can harm us, especially our mental health, but there are ways to resist those lies and find the abundant life that God wants for us. The reading plan will focus on the same things by guiding us through Scripture that speaks to those truths.
Christianity is unique from any other major world religion in many ways, but one of the most profound and beautiful things that followers of Jesus believe is that through the work of Jesus we have been brought back into a relationship with the Father. Colossians 1:21-22 says it this way: “You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions. Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.” We don’t need priests or rituals between us and a holy God. We have been brought into his presence. Through His Word our God speaks to us and through prayer we speak back, allowing us to have a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father. May the truth of these things help you engage with this plan with wonder and joy!
Before We Start
This is the final week of the Resistance Reading Plan and we would love to hear from you about your experience, look for a short survey at the close of this week. Also, as we conclude our Resistance series, we hope you will join us for our next Reading Plan that will prepare our hearts for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection at Easter!
Our final week of “The Resistance” is focused on Loneliness, so we are going to spend time reflecting on the life of the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah is a fitting place to land as we draw this series to a close because in so many ways he embodies what it means to be part of the Resistance. In addition to the book of Jeremiah which includes the biography and many prophecies of Jeremiah, he is also believed to have authored the books of Kings and Lamentations. We are introduced to Jeremiah 600 years before Christ in a politically tumultuous time in the history of Israel. Jeremiah’s message is about the Holiness of God which cannot be tainted by the sickness of human sin. It’s also a message of the compassion and mercy that is available to all those who would turn toward the perfect God who because of His great love for us makes a way for the rescue and redemption of imperfect people, if only we will join the resistance.
Jeremiah is commonly referred to as the “weeping prophet”, and for good reason. He is called by God as a young man, scholars believe around 20 years old, when groups of Judeans have been taken captive by the Babylonians (1:1-3). The Lord warns Jeremiah not to take a wife or have children (16:1-4) because of the devastation that will befall the Israelites who are left behind due to their disobedience as they have turned to idols and false prophets. His message of repentance and resistance is not well received by his people and he is attacked by his own community (11:18-19). Jeremiah lived a life of isolation and never got to see the fruit of His faithfulness. However, the reward we see unfold in his story is an intimate relationship with His Creator who honors him with glimpses of the coming Messiah and the beauty and peace that awaits Him in eternity.
Posted in The Resistance