The Resistance - Day 08

Day 08: Wednesday, February 08
Read Psalm 42 & 43

Many scholars believe that Psalms 42 & 43 are meant to be read together, which is shown in the repeated refrain that can be found in both.  Ultimately, the Psalms follow a pattern:

Lament - 42:1-4
Hope - 42:5
Lament - 42:6-7
Hope - 42:8
Lament - 42:9-10
Hope - 42:11
Lament - 43:1-4
Hope - 43:5

Tim Keller speaks about the need to “preach to ourselves” when we are experiencing despair. Psalm 42 & 43 are good examples of this.  The author chooses to address his own thoughts with hopeful statements of truth.

Every passage in the Bible, including the one you just read, is “...inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives.  It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.”  Let the passage challenge you as you reflect on it, but always cling to the full context of Scripture, which tells us that “There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.”  Praise God!

  • What truth does this passage communicate about God?  About us?  About our world?
  • Has God used this passage to highlight something that is wrong in your life?
  • What does this passage teach us to do?  What is one practical thing you can do to apply this to your life?

Let the passage we just read guide your prayers.  Use the acronym ACTS.

Adoration - Praise God for the truth this passage communicated about him.
Confession - Confess to God the thing that this passage showed you is wrong in your life.
Thanksgiving - Thank God for what this passage taught you was true about you and for the ways He is already helping you to do what is right.
Supplication - Ask God for help to do what this passage teaches to do and accomplish the good works he has for you.
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