The Old Is Gone, the new is here

Your Decision
Is Worth A Celebration

An outward expression of our inward transformation

Let's Celebrate!

Congratulations on taking an incredible step in your relationship with God. We want to invite you to celebrate and discover what comes next! Join us for week four of Growth Track at your campus where you will receive a special gift and we will help you take your next steps.

Growth Track Schedule

October 29 at 11AM | Growth Track Space
Bluffton, Downtown, Effingham, Midway, Statesboro


October 15 at 8:45AM | AMC Building


31 Day New Believer Study

Engaging the Word of God is such an important part of the journey. As you learn to be with Jesus, hear from Him, and live out His direction for your life, we want to provide you with a fantastic tool to help you grow - right now!  

Send a text to 53123 with the message "New Believer 501," and you will automatically be invited to join an online 31-day study. No need to download an app or set up an account - you will receive reminder texts each day with a brand new link to participate in a short engaging devotional designed to take you deeper in your walk with the Lord. 

“The old life is gone; a new life has begun.”

2 Corinthians 5:17

Get In Touch With Us

We are all about family, so no matter how big or small your question or request, our team is always ready to help! Take a moment to fill out the connect card using the button below and we will be in touch.