As we reflect again on this passage from the Sermon on the Mount, let’s challenge ourselves by putting what we’ve learned into practice over the next 24-48 hours. There are many different resources and tools that can help us to practically apply Jesus’ teaching on prayer and fasting, but let’s try this simple acronym that can help us take the principles and put them into use…


  • Focus - Fasting should be practiced on purpose and for a purpose, so get clear on your reason for fasting. What do you hope to get out of this experience? Do you simply want to grow closer to God? Is there a specific prayer you are asking God to answer? If you’re not sure, consider asking God to help you integrate what you have learned through the Lord’s Prayer this week and use it as a guide for your time in prayer (you can refer back to the PRAY practice from Day 3). 
  • Abstain - The standard practice of fasting in the Bible is to abstain from all food, drinking only water. However, you are free to fast as the Holy Spirit leads you. Decide what you will abstain from: a certain kind of food? Coffee/soda/sweets? Electronics? Social media? A good rule of thumb is to choose something you use, consume or engage with often throughout a typical day so that when you miss it you will be prompted to pray. Once you decide what you will abstain from, choose a timeframe. In the Bible, we see examples of people fasting for one day (Judges 20:26), one night (Daniel 6:18-24), three days (Acts 9:9), seven days (2 Sam 12:16-23), fourteen days (Acts 27:33-34), and forty days (Deuteronomy 9:9). For the purposes of this fast, try 24-48 hours.
  • Smile - Remember Jesus’ warning against using fasting as a way to gain sympathy, attention or impress others. Make a point to choose to stay joyful and if possible, try to keep your fast a secret between you and the Lord. When you start to miss whatever you’re abstaining from, stop to pray, consider reciting the Lord’s Prayer or talk to God about the reasons for your fast.
  • Trust - Remember that your Heavenly Father wants to be near you. He wants to partner with you in bringing His Kingdom to the world around you. Trust that He has good gifts in store for you. Lean in and listen to what He may want to say.  Keep your heart open and ready to obey whatever He may reveal or invite you to. Consider journaling throughout your experience so you can revisit what comes to your heart, mind and body during your fast.