Intimacy With God | The Lord's Prayer

Tuesday, February 18

Reading: Matthew 6:9-13

The Lord's Prayer

You may already be really familiar with the Lord’s Prayer. Perhaps you can even recite it from memory without much effort. But today let’s take a closer look at the meaning behind it.

Bible Project Video

Honest Reflection

  • How might the idea that, through prayer, I can approach the King of the Universe impact the way I pray?
  • How might the idea that I am a beloved child, approaching my Father impact the way I pray? How does my experience of human fathers (positive or negative) impact my view of God in this way?
  • What do I really think about the invitation I’ve been given to participate in God’s plan to reunite Heaven and Earth? What might that look like in a practical way in my life right now?
  • How could the image of God providing daily ‘manna’ or bread for his people in the wilderness apply to my life right now? What would it look like to trust in God’s provision for my life today?
  • In what way do I need to receive God’s grace and forgiveness today? What would it feel like to be freed of the burden of debt I’ve been carrying?
  • Who do I need to release my right to get even with? Am I willing to pray for their well-being?
  • What choices are in front of me right now to trust God or do things my own way? What lies have I been believing that have tempted me to turn away from the ways of his Kingdom?
  • Who could I share what I’ve been learning through the Sermon on the Mount with today?