How Does the Sermon on the Mount Change Things?

Friday, February 14

Reading: Matthew 5:1-48

Moving Forward

Before Reading:
Take a few deep breaths to slow your heart and mind.  Pray, inviting God into your thinking over these next few moments. Honestly reflect, and journal on the following questions:
  • What has this week been like? (overall - could be connected to the reading or not)
  • What has been the easiest thing to process in the Scripture passages this week?  What was the hardest part?

After Reading:
You’ve made it through all of Matthew 5, the first chapter of Sermon on the Mount!  Well done!  Jesus has already covered so much in this first chapter: describing the “good life” among those who are blessed, inviting us into a radical and elevated way of life, addressing our outward behaviors like anger, temptation, and revenge, as well as our inner motivations.

Jesus has invited us into a counter-cultural way of living that goes beyond the basic laws of the Old Testament and invites us into a deeper relationship with God, and with others that most of us could only dream to be possible on this side of Heaven.  So, now what do we do with this?  How does this change the way we move forward?  That’s up to you.
  •  In light of all you know from Matthew 5, what has God been prompting in your heart and mind that you have not surrendered to yet?  Why?
  • What do you think lies ahead in the next two chapters of Sermon on the Mount?  What are you hoping for, anticipating, dreading?
  • Because today is Valentine’s Day, spend a few minutes thinking about your relationship with God.  Are things great or does it feel more…complicated?  How would you like to see it change between now and this time next month?


Watch this summary overview of Sermon on the Mount from The Bible Project.  It is a great way to remind you where we have been these past few weeks, and will give you a glimpse into where we are heading as we move into Chapter 6.