It Has Been Said...

Wednesday, February 12

Reading: Matthew 5:31-32


It is no secret that many of us are impacted by divorce, either directly or indirectly.  No happy couple starting out thinks their marriage will end up this way, so why does it impact so many of us?  An article I read recently stated “the most commonly reported major contributors to divorce were lack of commitment, infidelity, and conflict/arguing.” I don’t think it is by accident that these things (adultery, divorce, and breaking commitments) are so closely tied together in our passage this week.  The God of the Universe, who created us, created relationships, and created marriage - He knew that the things most likely to take out a successful marriage are things like lust, adultery, and twisting our words.

A Few Questions

Before Reading:
Take a few deep breaths to slow your heart and mind.  Pray, inviting God into your thinking over these next few moments. Honestly reflect, and journal on the following questions:
  • What does our culture say about divorce?
  • How do you think that may be similar or different from what God thinks about divorce?

After Reading:
It can be really hard to read a passage about divorce without painful memories reminding us of the hurt that divorce has caused in our lives.  But, be encouraged, this teaching of Jesus is not meant to create shame about the past.  It is to help us today and as we head into the future. 

Likewise, if you are single or in a happy marriage, it can be hard to read a passage like this and find ways to apply it to life.  Let’s take a few minutes to unpack this verse and what it might mean for us, no matter what your circumstances look like today.
  • What is the purpose of marriage?
  • When conflict comes up in a relationship (marriage or singleness), how does God want us to respond? (Eph 4:32, Col 3:13, Matthew 18:21-22)
  • When am I most tempted to give up on a relationship?
  • What is God inviting me to do in my current relationship?


If you are struggling with your marriage, we have several really great resources available.  Please look through the list of conversation starters that might help you and your spouse work through disagreements.

Article: “Reasons for Divorce and Recollections of Premarital Intervention: Implications for Improving Relationship Education” most commonly reported major,domestic violence, and substance use.